Vision & Aims

Catherine Rees

I am very proud to be the head teacher at Park Primary School in Bargoed.
I am part of a very committed and hard-working team of teachers, teaching assistants and support staff who all strive to ensure the best learning experiences for our children.

Our Vision

To create resilient and confident learners whose curiosity and enthusiasm about their world, and  strong moral compass, will allow them to be successful, ethical and happy contributors to life in the 21st Century.

Our motto here is “Achieving our best through effort, commitment and care” and that sums up our philosophy.   Our school is one where children and adults all work together as part of an energetic, successful and ambitious team. Parents and grandparents are an essential part of this team, and we are always ready to listen to their views and support them in their vital role in their children’s education.

We aim to create independent and confident learners who can solve problems across the curriculum and communicate in English, through ICT, and as Welsh learners, very well. We hope to create pupils who enjoy learning now, and who will continue to have a love of learning for the rest of their lives.

All school staff know and nurture our children very well, and we expect our pupils to show good behaviour and respect for all. We assist them to play a full part in school life,  through working hard in lessons and participating in our after-school clubs.

Our school values contribution to the school and wider community, and we assist children to develop as active, positive members of the community of Park Primary School.